What We Do

We help our clients maximize the commercialization of their assets and increase shareholder value.

We restructure and improve businesses in the Life and Pensions and Asset Management sectors.

We work with company owners (to address succession and value extraction) by choreographing a focused process of ultimate sale to targeted trade or private equity buyers.

We help you to de-risk the process of selling businesses by avoiding common pitfalls and mistakes that can impact on price, process and on your existing business.

We strategically optimise businesses for “next stage of growth,” using improvement measures we have developed (over fifteen years) on behalf of senior management.

We address the top exit issues requiring focus and implement the key measures and targets with senior management.

We minimize the risk of a failed acquisition process through a planned targeting and put on process, and by aligning interests between both sides.

We develop focused integration plans to ensure commercial interests and motivations are aligned from day 1 between buyers and sellers of businesses.